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Template Engine

Scaffold uses the Go template engine to generate files. The following variables are available to use in your templates at a top level:

  • Project - The name of the project
  • ProjectKebab - The kebab case version of the project name
  • ProjectSnake - The snake case version of the project name
  • ProjectCamel - The camel case version of the project name
  • ProjectPascal - The pascal case version of the project name
  • Scaffold - a map of the scaffold questions and answers
  • Computed - a map of computed values as defined in the scaffolds configuration

Template Function

The templates also make available the sprout library of functions. See the sprout documentation for more information.

We also provide the following functions that help with rendering templates:


Wraps a string in {{ and }} so it can be used as a template. This can also be accomplished by escaping the template syntax. For example, {{ "{{ .Project }}" }} will render as {{ .Project }}.

`{{ wraptmpl "docker_dir" }}` -> `{{ "docker_dir" }}`


`{{ "{{ docker_dir }}" }}` -> `{{ docker_dir }}`


Returns a boolean, true if the input is plural, false otherwise.

`{{ isPlural "apple" }}` -> `false`
`{{ isPlural "apples" }}` -> `true`


Returns a boolean, true if the input is singular, false otherwise.

`{{ isSingular "apple" }}` -> `true`
`{{ isSingular "apples" }}` -> `false`


Converts a singular word to its plural form.

`{{ toPlural "apple" }}` -> `apples`


Converts a plural word to its singular form.

`{{ toSingular "apples" }}` -> `apple`

Engine Rules

The template process also uses the following rules for rendering:

  1. Empty files are skipped.
  2. Template files that are empty after rendering are not included in the generated project.
  3. Empty directories not included in the generated project