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What is Scaffold?

Scaffold is a project generation tool similar to cookiecutter written in Go that leverages the Go template engine to generate projects from a template. It is designed to be used with git or the local file system with a built in "scaffold" management system for versions and templates.

What set's Scaffold apart from projects like cookiecutter is the ability to define reusable scaffolds called template scaffolds within a project to help bootstrap code changes in existing projects.

Use Cases

  • Whole Project Scaffolding

    Scaffold is great for generating whole projects from a template. This is useful for:

    • Bootstrapping a new project
    • Creating a new API using a standard layout
    • Create a new microservice using company standards
  • Templates within Projects

    You're able to use a .scaffolds directory within a project to define a scaffold that can generate files in multiple locations around your project and even inject code into existing files. This is useful for generating boilerplate starter code for:

    • React/Vue/Angular/... components
    • Ansible Roles
    • CRUD API endpoint stubs
    • Other commonly structured code folders
  • Shared remote templates

    Templates that add files to a project don't have to be nested under .scaffolds. For example, if you are building a tool which users can add to existing project and that tool needs configugration, you can host those tool's scaffolds in a remote repository

See the examples folder for some examples of how to use Scaffold.


  • Generate projects from a template
  • Git based scaffolds (public and private)
    • Update scaffolds with scaffold update
    • List scaffolds with scaffold list
  • Generate files in multiple locations within an existing project
  • Pre/Post Messages defined in the scaffold (supports markdown)
  • Alias support for shortening common commands
  • Shortcuts for common prefixes (e.g gh: for
  • Conditional Prompting based on user input
  • Inject snippets into existing files with Scaffold Templates